Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, January 3, 2010

My Birthday Weekend

I turned 31 on January 1st!!! We had a pretty good weekend. It's been nice because I even took Thursday off to recover from my basketball tournament that I had last week. Thursday I had my belly pictures taken which I think I already wrote about and then we just hung out and Tom cooked a roast and carrots and potatoes for dinner and it was Yum, Yum, Yummy! We then went out and watched the TN vs. Virginia Tech game with some friends from Murfreesboro. I almost made it til 10:00pm before I got too tired! When we got home we stayed up for a little bit to try to make it to midnight to bring in the new year but at about 11:30 I called it quits. I was still somewhat awake at midnight when we heard all the fireworks around the neighborhood and we wished each other Happy New Year. How exciting are we.

Friday was my birthday. I actually had a great night's sleep on Thursday night and Tom let me sleep in until about 9:30 on Friday. We layed around the house and was lazy most of the day. We watched a great movie, My Sister's Keeper, and then got ready to go out to dinner. Tom took me to Maggiano's, an Italian restaurant and we had a great meal and a great time hanging out together. It was a last night out before baby and I am glad that we did it!

Here I am at home, showing off my big ole belly. The print I guess hides it a little but that is probably a good thing. I am definitely mastering the pregnant waddle now and I am trying not to arch my back much but it is hard holding up a 35 lb belly. That's right, at my visit on Wednesday I am a pound and a half from gaining 35lbs! YIKES! My next doctor's appointment is Tuesday afternoon so I will probably update then unless I happen to get my 38 week picture up tomorrow.
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