Lilypie Maternity tickers

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lazy Saturday.

I can't believe my first week of maternity leave is almost over. These next 7 weeks are going to go by so fast. Last night was a much better nights sleep. I was a lot more comfortable leaving Kennedy in her crib than Thursday night. Mom and Dad let us sleep in a little bit this morning. I was able to pump a little bit yesterday and it was enough for one feeding so I decided that it would be okay if they fed her the bottle this morning and it went pretty well. I figure if she gets at the most one bottle of pumped milk a day, it shouldn't mess up the breast feeding and so far she went right back like it was no big deal. It also made it easy for me to pump when I woke up and got almost a whole bottles worth in one pumping.

We had a really good day today. Mom did a lot of laundry and Dad and Tom have been working on "projects". I was able to bake some cookies and just rest some today.

Grandma getting to spend some quality one-on-one time with Kennedy. She has been waiting for this all week. That is what she is doing right now.
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January 15, 2010

So, I didn't get on the computer last night before bed but, Kennedy had a couple of firsts yesterday. Thursday night she spent her first night sleeping at home. She did fine however, Mommy had a bit of a breakdown when it was time to put her down for the night and go to sleep herself. For some reason I just thought that the room next to mine with a monitor right by her was still to far away from me. After some convincing from Tom, I let her stay there and she was fine after all, I just cried myself to sleep and got over it. When we got up we had a typical morning and then it was off to her first doctor's appointment. Her pediatrician thought that Friday may be a little too early for an appointment but didn't want to wait all the way through the weekend. It ended up being okay because we did have a few questions. I didn't think she was peeing enough so she gave us some advice and even followed up in the evening by calling us at home to make sure everything was okay. We were very impressed with her.

When we were at the doctor's office, we of course had to take all her clothes and her diaper off of her and when the diaper came off Daddy found a nice surprise. She had a major bowel movement and made a mess of herself. We cleaned her up with wipes as much as we could but when we got home I decided she needed a little sponge bath.

She ended up not being a big fan, actually. I should have known; she really doesn't like being naked. I did a pretty good job of getting it done quick for her but we have some practice to do. It will be nicer when the cord falls off and she is able to be in a bath. I think that she will like it better when she can soak in a little bit of warm water instead of having it just poured over her. :)

After her bath she was so soft and cuddly and oh so tired. We tried to play a little on the floor but she really didn't want anything to do with that. She ended up just cuddling with her Grandpa until she went to bed.
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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Home, Sweet Home

It's been a long week so far. We got to the hospital Monday morning and it is finally time for us to take our little Kennedy home, Thursday morning. Kennedy slept great last night. We went to bed around midnight and I expected to be up a lot over night because she slept a lot during the day. The next thing I knew, I woke up and had to use the bathroom, I looked at the clock on the wall and it was almost 5 in the morning! I had to wake Kennedy up to feed her and even then she didn't even want to wake up. We had a good morning. All the nurses and doctors came in to check out Kennedy and me and before we knew it, they said we could go home! We were more than ready!

The family all dressed and ready to go home!

Kennedy in her going home outfit.

We got her bundled in the car seat, after only a little struggle and we were ready to go!

All buckled up and ready for Daddy to drive us home.

Daddy was so happy to finally be able to cuddle with his little girl at home.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Another day in the hospital...

We actually got a good nights sleep, at least for having a new born. Between waking up for the nurses checks and the feedings, she really only fussed for about a half hour once and it really wasn't that bad. Today we had a lot more visitors but she slept most of the day so we will see how tonight's sleep goes. We will be getting discharged tomorrow morning and should be home by lunch if all goes well. We are really looking forward to getting Kennedy home and getting back to "normal".
She's even cuter today. Her swelling is going down and her features are coming out. We are still not quite sure which one of us she looks like. She is just a good mix of both for now.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Kennedy!!!

Introducing... Kennedy Ann Donohoe! She finally made her arrival at 3:55am this morning after a 15 hour labor with 3 hours of pushing. The version went well yesterday and they started me on the petocin shortly after the flip. It took a while to start to feel contractions but I was having regular contractions before I even had the version. I got to 4 cm very quickly however 4-6 took forever. I was at 4cm at 3:30pm and didn't get to 6cm until around 10pm or so. I got to 9.5 cm in less than an hour and then to fully dilated just before midnight. I did a little pushing before midnight but nothing major. I started the non stop pushing at 1:00am and finished at 3:55. She ended up head up so that is why it took so long to push her out and also ended up being so painful. However, it is all worth it!

Here she is right after she was born getting the quick wipe down.

Her weight was 7 lb 6 oz.

Kennedy with her Grandma Kaufman just minutes after she was born.

And with Grandpa Kaufman...
After all of my post delivery "stuff" which by the way no one tells you how fun that is; I finally got to hold my daughter. What a little princess! I love her!

Daddy went with her to the nursery for her first bath with the nurses.

All cuddled up after her first bath.
They also measured her in the nursery. She was 19.5 in. long. She has beautiful dark brown hair with just a hint of curl and she has super long fingers and toes.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

39 Week Belly Picture...

Well, I guess this is going to be the last belly picture... We are going in tomorrow for the version and the induction. Mom and Dad got here around 11 am this morning and we spent the day hanging out and catching up. We also got to have our Christmas with them too. We got the Wii Fit Plus and a cargo rack for the hitch of the Mazda. Just what we asked Santa for!!! I am excited to start the reverse belly pictures!

So there has been less kicking over all and a lot of her trying to roll around and stretch out. She is still kicking me in the bladder though so I am pretty sure that she is still breech.

The stretch marks really haven't gotten much worse this week. But I am proud to say that I broke the 40 pound weight gain mark and I officially out weigh Tom now!

I really didn't think that I could get much bigger without popping but this definately looks like I am really going to pop any minute! We are going in at 8 am tomorrow with them most likely doing the version around 9am and then hopefully straight into being induced. We probably won't be getting much sleep tonight because we will be up thinking about this all night. I can't believe tomorrow I get to meet my daughter! Whoa!
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