Lilypie Maternity tickers

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Here's another shot of it. I don't know which I like better, I think this one????
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So I've really gotten into taking flower pictures lately. We have this lonely little flower that snuck over from our neighboors yard right in front of our bushes. Its so pretty, its been in the process of blooming for the last week and just opened up a few days ago.
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Today was such a beautiful day!!!! By far the nicest day of the year. Too bad Tom was not here to enjoy it with me. He is down in Birmingham, AL this weekend playing Army man again. The puppies enjoyed today. They got to be in the yard almost all day. There are no bugs out yet so I just opened up the back door and let them come in and out whenever they wanted.
I got a lot accomplished today. I got up early and went to the grocery store...Big sale on meat today so stocked up, then spent the rest of the morning trimming chicken and making hamburger patties, but it will be worth it this summer because it is all grill ready in the freezer!!! Can't wait. I also stopped at a garage sale on the way home from the store and got some real nice lawn chairs. So now when (and if) we have company visit this summer we will have more places for you to sit!!!
I also finished up some painting in my bathroom, after replacing a light fixture we had some touch ups to do, so now its all done. After that I got some sheets and made a cover for the couch and a slip cover for a pillow, that took a while but looks real nice, I plan on doing one for the chair tomorrow so I will put the pictures of that up when I am done, I am so proud of my craftyness!!!
Other than that I just played in the yard with the dogs and talked to a neighbor for a while, we're thinking about joining a bowling league!!!
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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fortunately the baseball game was cancelled on Saturday due to rain and cold. I spent most of the weekend lounging around finishing recovering from the surgery. Saturday we went to Sam's so that I could walk around. (It was raining and I was getting really stir crazy) Sunday was a much warmer and a sunny day so we did some cleaning around the house, I got our taxes done and we were able to go for a walk with the dogs outside. This week has still been pretty cold for TN but not bad. Its gradually getting warmer this week and by Sunday its supposed to be 74. Spring is finally here!!! I am looking forward to getting out and hanging out in the backyard!!!