It was a long week this week with the high school and Tom working and I was sooo tired. That didn't stop us from having a great day yesterday though. We spent most of the day actually just being lazy and lounging around the house. Tom was nice enough to spend the night Friday night cleaning up the house while I was at work so we didn't have to on Saturday. I was able to sleep in a little bit and catch up on a lot of our DVR'd shows. The Baby Story and Friends are the top two right now but we also got to watch the season premiere of The Biggest Loser.

My Anniversary flowers that Tom surprised me with on Wednesday morning.
My Anniversary flowers that Tom surprised me with on Wednesday morning.
Tom is still brave enough to pick me up even after I've gained 15 pounds. We'll see if he still tries after 30. He's so strong! :)
We finally got around to taking showers and making ourselves presentable around 4:00 after we went outside and played catch with the dogs to give them some exercise. Tom made us reservations to eat at The Melting Pot. I ate there once about 8 years ago when I was living up in Tinley Park and thought it was good and have wanted to go back with Tom since then and we finally went. Before we went to dinner we decided to hang out downtown at the bar we both like and listen to some live music. It's nice to go now that most of the bars downtown are smoke free so Tom had a couple of beers and we sat and talked together and just enjoyed each other's company. It's been a while since we did that.
We had a great time at dinner. It was definitely a different dining experience and not something we will do very often, it was a pretty expensive date, but definitely worth it!! We enjoyed a 4 course meal starting with a cheese fondue then a salad, then a meat and veggie fondue entree and then a chocolate fondue dessert! We both ate way too much.
We got home and played with the puppies for a little bit, watched some TV and then headed off to bed. What a wild Saturday night! Not what we would have done on a Saturday night 5 years ago but I definitely think I like what we have now 10 times as much!! Every year seems to get better and better. I'm excited to find out what next year's anniversary will hold for us as Mommy and Daddy! I'm guessing even better than this year!