Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Productive day.

Today I actually got some things done instead of just sitting around all day. Kennedy slept a lot this morning so I was able to get some laundry done and I got the house picked up and vacuumed.

You can tell from the background of this picture that this is before I got the house picked up... I haven't been able to get to many open eyed shots of Kennedy lately so when she was wide awake this afternoon I grabbed the camera. She looks like she is concentrating very hard on something...

We had company this afternoon. Lisa came by for a visit. She hasn't seen her since her birthday in the hospital. She has grown quite a bit since then. She called this her "thinker" pose. Isn't she just so cute!

Newborn Pictures are in...

I probably went overboard on how many of these pictures I put up here, but I just couldn't decide on only a few. Kennedy is just so photogenic she looks too good in too many of the pictures. I am so happy with the way they turned out.


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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

2 Week Well Visit.

I don't know what I was thinking scheduling Kennedy's 2 week appointment for 9:15am but we made it out of the house on time this morning. I was so tired but Tom was able to get home from the gym in time to get her ready while I got myself ready to go.

Everything at the visit went fine. She is back up above her birth weight. She is now 7lb 12oz and she is also 20 1/2 in long. That is up 6oz and 1in. Way to go Kennedy (and Mommy for spending countless hours breastfeeding). We now got the okay to let her sleep as long as she wants as long as its not more than 3 hours during the day and 5 hours at night. I can handle that, it has already been a much easier day today. The rest of the check up went good to. All we have to do is start her on vitamin D drops because she is being breastfed. We also have to have her hips ultrasound at 4 weeks as a precaution because she was breech. I guess because of that there is a chance that she could have dislocated her hips while in the uterus but her hips have been checking out okay at the doctor's office so I am not to worried about it.

All dressed up and ready to go to the doctor.

January 26, 2010

Not much new happened in the world of Kennedy yesterday. Pretty much same old same old. It was eat, sleep, poop and repeat.

Just before bedtime last night. She really loves her swing. It gets her to sleep almost every time she goes in it.

We did however, get a phone call from Tom's brother, Mike, last night. We got the news that we have been expecting for a few weeks now. Last night Kennedy's Great-Grandma Dee Dee pasted away. She had been struggling with her health for quite some time and had fallen pretty deep into dementia and has been in hospice care since just before Thanksgiving. We all know that she is in a much better place now; resting peacefully in Heaven.

Grandma Dee Dee napping with her favorite puppies, Thanksgiving 2008.
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Catching up on sleep

These pictures pretty much sum up yesterday... Kennedy has seemed to go through good sleep nights and not so good sleep nights. I don't know what it is but she slept really good on Sunday night. Tom even gave her the last feeding of the night with a pumped bottle so I got to sleep extra good and I was completely exhausted yesterday. During the day she only seemed to want to sleep about 20 minutes at a time and I didn't want to make her sleep because I figured she would sleep better at night if she was up more during the day. Bad idea because I didn't get any naps yesterday AND she was up most of the night awake last night. At least she wasn't fussy, she just didn't want to sleep.

When Tom got home from work last night I had fallen asleep with her on my shoulder. He went to go get the camera to take my picture but I woke up before he could get one of us both sleeping. She just makes you so comfy, its hard not to fall asleep with her on you if you are tired!
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Monday, January 25, 2010

January 24, 2010

Yesterday was a crazy, busy day. We had to get moving the minute we woke up. We got Kennedy's newborn pictures taken yesterday. The lady was supposed to come to our house but because of the weather and the bad lighting we have in our house, we ended up going over to her house to get them done. This was really the first time that we had to pack Kennedy up and get her out the door and we needed to be there by 11:00. Fortunately, since we had to change locations and go to her house she didn't mind that we were a half hour late. I think that is probably going to be the norm now. The picture shoot went really well despite a few flaws. We had a hard time getting her to go to sleep (it is usually the opposite of that). And during the naked pictures both Tom and I got pooped on. Tom worse than me and as you would think he wasn't very happy about it and he probably won't be too happy with me writing about it, but someday he will be able to laugh about it.

When we got home, everyone was tired. All three of us napped for a good portion of the rest of the day and that is why I didn't get this post done yesterday. I was WAY too tired!

Kennedy's favorite spot... Cuddling on Daddy's chest.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

January 23, 2010

Tom and I finally get to spend some time together. It has been a long week and I was so happy to have him home yesterday and so was Kennedy. We enjoyed ourselves just hanging out. Tom got a lot of cleaning done and he even gave the dogs baths.

What a true statement on her shirt. Isn't she getting big. I can't believe she has grown so much in just under two weeks.

We had some company over for dinner last night. All the girls from work and their husbands came over. You can see that Mike is ready for Jeanie to have a baby. :) We had a good time. They all brought over dinner so not having to cook was even better!