Lilypie Maternity tickers

Friday, June 12, 2009

Our First Ultrasound!!!

8 Weeks 5 days

The official due date from the ultrasound was January 17th!!

I think this one is the best because you can almost see its face... At least I think it looks like a face anyway.

It was so amazing to see the little baby on the screen. We saw it almost immediately and I could tell it was a baby right away. We both had so much fun looking at all of the different views and asking questions.

The lady doing the ultrasound was so nice. She was patient with us asking lots of questions. I couldn't believe how interested Tom got asking questions and leaning in close to see. She also showed us views that we could see its little arms and legs even though they are just little stubbies right now. We also got to see the heart beating which was absolutely amazing!!!! They couldn't give us the sound, she explained why but it didn't make much sense to me but you could definately see it. It was beating at about 170 beats per minute which she said was just right. I already can't wait until the next one. We are not sure if we are going to have one at our next visit or not, it would be to rule out down's and it is optional but I think I might have the testing just to get another ultrasound... We shall see. Our next doctor's visit in July 15th.
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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Week 8

I have not had a whole lot of energy this week at all. After Kimmy and James left I pretty much went to work and came home and slept for four days!! My body is going through so many changes now I can hardly believe it. I feel nauseous, I feel heartburn, I feel hungry, I feel these weird pains in my lower abdomen when I cough just right when I lay on my side, I feel bloated.. I had had a roller coaster of feelings, mostly nausea... I thought I was off the hook since I was feeling so good the first few weeks after I found out. Once 6 1/2 weeks hit I've been pretty queasy almost every day but typically by the afternoon I feel fine but tired! Oh, so very tired!!!

Tom has truly been my super hero the last couple of days. I found myself feeling worse since Monday and he has really stepped it up a notch. He is doing all of the cooking, cleaning and yard work. He is taking care of the puppies and at my every beacon call. I am sure he is probably not enjoying much of it but he is really taking it like a champ especially since he is in the middle of a mini-mester right now and has a lot going on with his school and with Army stuff. I can't wait until I can make it up to him!!! But just as much, I do enjoy taking advantage of it while I can even though I feel guilty about it...

Hopefully next week I will be able to get on the computer more... For sure I will update on Friday after we get back from our first doctor appointment and ultrasound!!! We are really looking forward to it!!!

Night, Night!!!

Wednesday night when we got home from the zoo Gwyn had her bath and a little bit of dinner then it was off to bed. We had to say good night to everyone Wednesday night because we were not sure that we would see them off in the morning. I had to go to work early at the clinic and Tom had to go off to school. They ended up getting up but we took our picture the night before anyway.

Isn't she just the cutest thing ever!!! We loved having Kimmy and James and little Gwyn over to visit at our house. It's just too bad we don't get to see each other more often. We had so much fun playing and hanging out, she really got us pumped up about getting to do those things with our new little baby!!!
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Trip to the Nashville Zoo...

We planned on going to the zoo on Tuesday and we actually even made it up to the front gates but just as we did a huge thunderstorm rolled in and we decided to go to the mall instead. We had a good time walking around the mall but everyone was tired after a while so we went home and James cooked us some tacos for dinner.

We finally made it to the zoo on Wednesday...

It was a pretty warm day out but thankfully the zoo is pretty shaded. I had never been before so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to make the trip. For a small zoo they have quite a lot of animals. The animals also have so much space to walk around and be "free" as compared to a lot of the other zoos that I have been to.

We got to see the elephants, my favorite zoo animal!! There were three of them but they must have been hot and tired because they were all huddled around the rock and hiding. There was a place up the trail from this that I got a better picture but this one is with Gwyn so I will have to say that this is the better of the pictures :)

In the bird house the birds actually fly around by you. They were buzzing our heads and some of the little kids were even feeding them nectar.

Gwynie had a great time seeing all the animals and getting pushed like a little princess around the zoo. She was soooo tired by the time we got home though!! She was such a little trooper, I am so impressed that she stayed awake as long as she did.
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Gwynie's Birthday Present...

Tom and I got Gwyn a baby stroller for her birthday.
It took her a while to get the hang of it but sure enough by the end of their visit. She was walking across the room with it. It's so cute cuz she can't walk on her own yet so she's like a little old lady walking with a walker... Soon enough though she will be running around the house on her own.
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Kim, James and Gwynie come to TN...

They pulled in around 1:30 on Monday afternoon. It was a warm day and we were looking for something to entertain us so we decided to go to the lake about 5 miles away. This was Gwyn's first time at the lake and only her second time ever swimming.

She had such a good time. She enjoyed the water even though it was still a little chilly until you got used to it but what she really enjoyed was watching all of the other kids play.

She loves her Aunt Amanda!!!! I can't believe how big she's gotten since Christmas when I saw them last! She looks like a little girl now.

She's such a Daddy's Girl!!! Especially since James was the only one willing to go in deeper in the water...

Daugherty Family Portrait!!!
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